Cartozoology n. The science or practice of discovering and studying animals outlined paradigmatically by street layouts as they appear on maps, especially with reference to physical evidence of the animals’ presence in the corresponding terrain.
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[Practical information] [Statutes] [Roots of Cartozoology]

1. The Norwegian Cartozoologic Society aims to map the hidden and twodimensional animal life in our close surroundings

2. The Society is led by a secretariat consisting of three Secretaries General.
If a Secretary General should leave his position, the remaining Secretaries General will choose his successor by majority desicion.

3. The duties, projects, work schedule etc, is decided by simple majority.

4. All expenses are shared equally between the Secretaries General.

5. Should more (or less) paragraphs be needed, they will be added (or removed) as the aforementioned need arise.